RaceDay CheckIn App To the Rescue!
Timers encounter all sorts of issues that come from all angles – whether it be user error, technology not working correctly, or inclement weather. Hang around some timers, and you will be sure to hear some interesting stories of how they got themselves out of a jam.
One such story comes from Jason Chance, owner of TCR Event Management/Revolution3. Jason shares his personal experience dealing with a race registration scenario where essential details were missing; the participants’ dates of birth (DOB) and gender. These details are necessary to provide official scored results, particularly for age-group and gender-specific awards.
The Challenge
Jason recently worked with a charity partner in Maryland for their annual 5k event. Days before the event, the client sent TCR Event Management a participant list in CSV format. The list included only names—no DOB, age, or gender information. Despite this, their partner still expected the event to be officially timed and to distribute awards for the fastest runners in various categories.

The Solution
After considering the options, Jason realized they could use the RaceDay CheckIn app to gather the missing information as participants checked in. Here’s how they did it:
1. Creating the Race: TCR Event Management took the CSV file and set up a simple race on RunSignUp with just the participant names.
2. Custom Configuration: They enabled the RaceDay CheckIn app and configured it so that any volunteer could edit participant information and event options (the race had both a 1 Mile and a 5k option, which were also not initially captured).
3. Volunteer Training: Within five minutes of training, volunteers were ready to start checking in participants.
4. Check-In Process: More than 233 participants were checked in within an hour. Volunteers collected and entered DOB, gender, and event choices on the spot.
5. Seamless Integration:All collected information was pushed directly to RaceDay Scoring from the RaceDay CheckIn app after being uploaded to the new event in RunSignUp.
The Outcome
Thanks to the seamless integration of these platforms, the event started on time. Participants were accurately scored in the appropriate age group, gender, and event categories, making the clients very happy.
This story highlights the importance of having the right tools and integrated systems in place to handle unexpected challenges. Jason’s knowledge of RunSignup’s product capabilities demonstrates how technology can bridge gaps and ensure smooth event execution, even when critical participant information is missing.
Jason Chance shared his thoughts, saying, “Kudos to RunSignUp for being an outstanding partner and integrating their platforms into an excellent product. This experience underscores the value of flexibility and innovation in event management, ensuring every participant gets a fair and accurate result.”
We also want to commend Jason for his ingenuity. His quick thinking and creativity showcases how timers often solve problems behind the scenes, ensuring that participants have an uninterrupted and seamless experience. Thanks to Jason’s swift and effective response, what could have been a significant issue was resolved smoothly, allowing the race to proceed as planned and participants to enjoy their day as expected.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Jason, and for your partnership!

Want to learn more about the RaceDay CheckIn App?
General Overview of RaceDay CheckIn App

Timer Certification: RaceDay CheckIn App
This timer certification course covers RunSignup’s very popular RaceDay CheckIn app. Training covers both participant and volunteer check-in capabilities and walks through how to set up configurations and presets on the backend so that events are able to have an efficient packet pickup. How to use QR codes and dynamic bib assignments is explained to help provide rapid check-ins. Additionally, Kiosk Mode and Data Lookup features are explored. Timers can complete the certification quiz to complete the process and receive their official certification status and badge.