There is now an option to sort teams by size on the Groups/Teams page. This allows events that drive registrations through team size competitions to have a real time leaderboard on their groups/teams page.

By default, the team page sorts alphabetically. You can update to sort by team size by going to Participants >> Groups/Teams >> Setup. Select Sort by Size at the bottom of the page. Then click save.

The ability to sort teams by size provides the foundation for one of the next Website V2 components: Team Leaderboards. Events will be able to feature team leaderboards by group/team type or overall across all team types on any page(s) of their Website V2. We expect this new component will be available in the coming weeks.

More than 30% of participants join teams when they are available. RunSignup also gives events options to incentivize teams to get more members with automated team discounts/refunds, team/group types, flexible captain settings, and more. Team Leaderboards will provide even more functionality to the many races that grow their events via team size competitions.