Playmakers Case Study

We have a series Customer Case Studies, in which we take your stories and share your challenges and successes as a learning tool for other RunSignup users.  This Playmakers Case Study focuses on Running Store Race Calendars, registration for Races & Training Teams, and advising local races. 


Playmakers and RunSignup

Playmakers Store uses a RunSignup Calendar and registration to enhance their partnership with local races and their ability to serve the local running community. 

About Playmakers: Playmakers is an award winning footwear and apparel store in Okemos, MI, that operates under the principle that there should be a mutually beneficial relationship with all associated with the store: staff, customers, vendors, and the community.  Beyond selling shoes, Playmakers sees it as their responsibility to promote area running and walking events.  Andy Marsh is on their Events and Marketing Team.

Adding a RunSignup Race Calendar


Like many Running Stores, Playmakers initially became involved with RunSignup because they saw a RunSignup Race Calendar as a solution to reduce the labor of providing a local running calendar.  Previously, Andy would manually add all races that were submitted to the store – while each addition was not particularly time-consuming, it added up.

The calendar serves 2 purposes:

  • It allows local Race Directors to add their own events to the Playmakers Calendar via a “Submit a Race” button, with no manual work from the Playmakers staff.
  • Playmakers hosts a few Premier events, a number of Fun Runs, and many clinics/training sessions (Good Form Clinics).  All of the Playmakers events show up on the main calendar; additionally, runners can view a calendar that shows only their Training Programs.

The Playmakers Calendar Widget is formatted to match the color scheme of the Playmakers website.  They choose to set their default radius for races at 50 Miles from the store.


Registration on RunSignup

Playmakers uses RunSignup for 3 types of events:

  • “Premier” Events: Each year, they manage and put on a team marathon, a triathlon, and an 8K/1-2 Mile, as well as the 2,600+ Capital City River Run Marathon, Half Marathon, Relay & 5K.
  • Fun Runs and other free events: previously they did not have registration for free events, but would always get to the event with no idea how many runners to expect. The RSVP’s helps ensure they are properly prepared.
  • Free Training Classes: they host Good Form teaching clinics for running, walking, and movement on a regular basis.

Playmakers also has a foundation; while registration for Fun Runs & Good Form clinics on RunSignup are free for Playmakers & runners, hosting the registration online allows them to suggest a donation for the Playmakers Fitness Foundation during registration, thus supporting their community outreach.

Team Playmakers on RunSignup

Team Playmakers has 3 options for participating in a Training Group:

  • Women’s Couch to 5K: Running/Walking specifically for Women working towards a 5K.
  • Team Triathlon: Training Sessions, support, and resources for all 3 disciplines.
  • Any Distance, Any Pace: Running/Walking team that is designed to support runners with different paces and goals in a team atmosphere.

The 3 Team Playmakers options are all setup on RunSignup as “Races”.  To prevent confusion, Playmakers uses custom wording to change “Race” to “Team Playmakers.” This option can be found on the Dashboard:


Race -> Race Page -> Misc Settings 

Each of the 3 Teams (Couch to 5K, Triathlon, and Any Distance, Any Pace) is set up as its own “Race”, with various membership options set up as Events.

Playmakers allows runners to register to for their Team programs either in-store or Online; the summer 2014 Any Distance, Any Pace Team got 56% of their Sign Ups Online.

Playmakers and Local Races


Playmakers will partner with any local race that approaches them.  The extent of the partnership varies: they allow them to add themselves to their online RunSignup calendar, they do a yearly Race Directors Clinic, and they offer a “Playmakers Truck” with finish line materials, etc., when available.

One thing that makes it easier for them to partner with so many races has been having a local timer, Michigan Running Foundation, who works a number of area race.  The Timer will frequently set up the race on RunSignup for the Race Director, meaning Playmakers knows that those races are set up consistently.

Next Steps for Playmakers

Results and Real-Time Notifications

Currently, results are hosted on the Playmakers site as emailed by the Timer in html and pdf format.  Playmakers would like to move more towards live results, to ensure that they have any updated/corrected results instantly, and to allow for real-time notifications and results as runners are finishing.

“What we are trying to do at Playmakers is to create a cool, vibrant, and fun running – walking – racing scene.  We want to do whatever we can to help people move more and enjoy an active lifestyle.  RunSignup is a great partner that helps us achieve our goals.”
– Andy Marsh

 If you have a success story about your race, store or club, big or small,  email us…we’d love to explore a Case Study on your topic!

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