In case you don’t remember, this is what a profile page used to look like:
and here is what it looks like today!

What did we change?
- Modern circular profile picture

- Easy to read preferences listed with icons next to them for quick scanning
- List of your upcoming races complete with race logo, date, time, address, as well as action links such as manage registration, resend confirmation, contact race, and view race page!
- Sub-accounts are now clickable circles. Click on the name to see the information relevant to that person!

- Friendly and engaging messages when there are unclaimed results and/or accounts associated with your email address!

- Better listings for fundraisers, groups, and corporate teams
What new features are we adding next?
- Trophy case with badges (more detailed blog post coming soon!)
- Upload and crop profile picture directly from profile page
- Choose profile pictures from Race Day Photos
- Links to Finisher Certificates
We hope you are enjoying the latest enhancements to your profile page. We are very excited to continue updating our platform to improve user experience!