We released a new Swag Rewards capability, allowing race directors to give participants swag for reaching specific milestones. In V 1.0, race directors can choose to issue swag to participants once they refer a specified number of participants to register for their event. Future versions of Swag Rewards will expand the type of activities that can prompt a race director to issue a swag reward, such as teams reaching a specific size or fundraisers achieving a designated fundraising goal.
To set up a Swag Reward, the director first adds the swag information to a new option in the Promotion section of the race dashboard, “Swag Rewards”.

RunSignup users familiar with registration add-ons will see similarities in the process of adding Swag Rewards. Swag Rewards function similarly to registration add-ons; since swag rewards are earned (not purchased), pricing information and advanced options relating to transactions are not required. This makes the setup simple and straightforward, with only a few fields and reward option information (usually sizes) if needed.

Once a Swag Reward has been set up, a race director can issue a reward to any participant by managing their add-ons through the CRM interface and choosing to issue the reward to the participant. When issuing the reward the director can opt to select an option for the participant. Alternatively, they can select the “None” option, issuing the reward to the participant but requiring the participant to update their registration and select the reward option they want.
This is a great way for directors to issue Swag Rewards on a case-by-case basis.

The real power of Swag Rewards comes from tying the rewards to specific milestones, automating the process of issuing the rewards. In this version, the referral rewards system has the power to issue a Swag Reward. If a race has set up referral tracking, it can choose to issue Swag Rewards at a designated referral milestone by entering the number of referred registrations required to earn the reward.

Once a participant has referred the required number of participants to earn the reward, RunSignup will automatically email the participant a confirmation that their reward has been earned. If the reward requires the participant to select an option, their email will include a prompt to select their option (usually size) and a direct link to update their information.

To keep it simple for races to manage products, we combine Swag Rewards and registration add-ons into a single report on the race dashboard. Using this view, or any of our CRM views, directors will see both their registration add-ons and Swag Rewards in a single location, making it easy to run packet pickup or mail out gear to participants from one information center.
Get creative with the rewards you offer your participants to keep them engaged with your event, and let us do the heavy lifting!