Participant Report Export to Email

We have added an easy email list creation from the registration Participant Report. This allows you to create a report with the filters that you want, and placeholder data tags information you need for your custom email.

This example report shows fields for a results link from last year’s race, as well as the number of times each participant has run the Scott Coffee race:

Clicking the button to “Save as Custom List and Send Email” takes you immediately to the email system so you can create your email (it also saves that custom email list). This then allows us to use those custom tags in an email:

This report makes it easy to add custom tags related to custom questions and many other goodies. Here is a screen shot of the Scott Coffee Run data field list:


Over time, we will add this same report export option to other reports in our system that are more contextual. We are working on a new reporting tool for Tickets that this will be integrated with as well.

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