With RunSignup, your event gets a free website that’s easy to design and customize. We do a lot to optimize the websites of more than 27,000 events each year, including making sure that your events are easily found online.
One of the many benefits of having your events on RunSignup is that they are automatically listed on RunningintheUSA, HalfMarathons.net, and other popular websites where runners search for events. We are happy to extend our automated listings for RunSignup events with the announcement of a new integration with Evvnt, which automatically lists RunSignup events on local news syndications and event listings from its network of more than 2,500 US-based calendars.
Evvnt is an events listing aggregator that partners with large and local publishers across the globe. Through our new integration, Evvnt automatically publishes your RunSignup event to syndications near the location of your event – for free. One example of their network is the publication Florida Today, which has an events listing calendar powered by Evvnt.
By posting an event to dozens of local sites, Evvnt helps to increase the reach of your event by posting to local media sites using their calendar software. Additionally, Evvnt helps to increase the likelihood of your event title appearing in search results so potential participants can register for your event. You can easily claim your event when you find it on an Evvnt calendar listing. In addition to the automated and free listings your event gets by being on RunSignup, there are options to upgrade for featured listings at the top of calendars, additional listings based on your event category, analytics, and more. Learn more here: https://partners.evvnt.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012420973-How-It-Works-Syndicated-Event-SyndicatedEvvnt
RunSignup’s integration with EVVNT is an important extension of our affiliate model to ensure that people can find your event and that your website’s SEO is boosted from relevant backlinks.