This update introduces new features for Lap Events, particularly for “Last Man Standing” style races, where the last finisher of each lap is eliminated from the course. The new Report Fields that have been added allow Timers to create custom leaderboard reports that can be published to RunSignup or displayed on a big screen. These reports can show real-time data about the progress of the race, including information about who has just completed a lap, what their lap time was, the time of day they crossed the mats, and more.
Feature Updates
Added Distance and Time Adjustment functionality to Lap Races.
Participants and Teams for Lap Races can now have an adjustment added. If you add a distance adjustment to a Lap Participant, the system will add an additional lap for that participant with the distance you entered into the adjustments area. If you include a time adjustment, that will be added to the additional lap.
All adjustments for Lap Races are added to the end of the race. This is typically done to add on a partial lap at the end of the event for those who were unable to complete a lap within the cutoff time. The race organizers want to give them partial credit.
Added Read Cutoff Time Field to Adjustments.
You can now enter the time of day to stop considering reads for a participant on the Scoring view. This feature is particularly useful for “Last Man Standing” events, where you need to forcibly stop collecting reads for someone for the remainder of the event.
Please note that this feature is currently only available for Individual Participants, but it will be added to Relay Teams in the next update.

Added more Lap Race fields for Leaderboard and Race Progress use cases.
We have recently added some useful data fields to reports for Lap Races. These fields include the name of the last lap completed, the time of the last lap completed, and the time of day that the last lap was completed.
These data fields can be used to create custom leaderboard display reports for lap events. You can sort the results based on the time of day that the last lap was completed (so the most recent passing shows first) and show the time of the last lap completed, along with any other relevant information.
Once you create the reports, you can use the HTML Auto-Save functionality and display them on a monitor connected to your scoring computer, or save them to a Dropbox folder and view them on another device connected to the internet. This way, you can have a fully customizable Lap Race leaderboard display.
It would be helpful to include some of these fields in the online results for events that aim to provide real-time progress tracking for spectators as well. For example, including the time of day of the last lap was completed for each participant would be very useful for those who are tracking their friends and family members participating in long lap events.

Added warning to the user when starting up RaceDay Scoring with less than 1gb of hard drive space available.
If hard drive space runs out while scoring an event it can cause a corruption of the database. We now alert the user when they have less than 1gb of space left, suggesting that they start thinking about cleaning up their hard drive before they end up running out of space and corrupting their database.
Bug Fixes
Corrected an issue with recalculating reads when the incoming chip codes case and the chip code in the cross-reference case do not match.
For example, if the chip code from the reader was lx1111 but the chip code in the system was LX1111, we had a bug that would cause scoring to not work correctly after manually recalculating reads.
Corrected an issue with the Super/Sub Event Panel where we would not show all sub-events for a Super Event underneath the Event Name.
Added more logging to help us track down an issue that has been reported where results would stop publishing to RunSignup periodically, forcing the user to save auto-save settings.