We have added an innovative capability to store items in our Membership product (it will soon be available in our TicketSignup product as well) – Calculated Store Items.
The use case for this was driven by RRCA, which has a need to sell insurance of various types and pricing mechanisms to their members. For example a for profit and a nonprofit club might have a different price. Prices might vary depending on the level of insurance purchases ($1 M or $2M of liability), or by the number of members in a club or attendees at an event.
The initial capability is to allow pricing based on choice within a store item. This can be a choice of one option, or can be an accumulated price based on multiple options. There will soon be a release that will allow for calculation based on a number entered into a text field. For example, a ticket event might sell a space like a tent as a ticket and then add a charge additional amounts per person.
Choose One of Two Items
One calculated store type is to have a cost based on choosing between two options. It might be a different charge for non-profit and for-profit organizations who join, as an example. Or a different price for In State and Out of State residents.
The first step is to set up a Calculated Store Question:
For this, we will choose the Radio Button. The Yes/No and Select Menu options also works for when there is only a choice of two.
Once the calculated store question is set up, you can set up a calculated store item that will be based on that question. Go to setup store item:
Then setup the store item by picking the question that was setup above:
Once the question is picked, then the question options display so pricing can be setup:
Users will see the store item appear during registration:
The pricing at the bottom updates instantly when different options are chosen. Also, if there are multiple calculated store items being picked, the total of them all appears at the bottom in realtime as well.
Multi-Item Select Calculated Store Item
There are two version of this. One with a Select Menu where only one of many options can be picked. We will show the example where multiple options can be added using the Checkbox component.
First, the Question Setup:
Next the Store Setup:
Members will see a display like this on the store page when they are signing up:
Note the total at the bottom above is $15.00, but if the selections are changed, it updates:
Number Based Calculated Items
We have added a calculation based on a multiplier of a number that is entered by the member. The question setup will be similar and look like this (note the validation needs to be a positive whole number):
The store item setup will contain a multiplier number. For example, RRCA might charge $2.30 per cub member times the number of members in a club. In the tent rental example, the operator might charge $25 per person facility charge.
Multiple Calculated Store Items
Members can purchase multiple calculated store items when signing up. Here is an example checkout page:
Calculated store items appear in the reports and are available for download:
Items can also be managed with detailed information showing on an individual basis:
Complex Calculated Items
We also support complex calculated store items that rely on multiple answers to questions. For example, RRCA has different pricing based on whether an organization is For Profit or NonProfit PLUS how many participants they have at an event PLUS how much liability coverage they want.
In this example, there is a complex calculation for a music license happening behind the scenes. In addition, multiple pieces of data must be grouped together for reporting purposes for each store item purchased.
Multi-step calculations must be approved by RunSignup and are only available after approval. RunSignup will do the setup for these, and we will need at least a 2 week notice.
Calculated Store items bring a new and powerful dimension to membership organizations and soon to ticket events.