Social media links for Race Websites V2 make it easy to promote your event or organization’s social media pages. Feature icons that link directly to your Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, X (Twitter), and custom links. Social Media Links is a website component that you can easily add anywhere on your event website, extending the social media links component for free Email Marketing.

Social Media Links for Race Websites
Set social media links by navigating to Promotion >> Social Media >> Social Media Links. Enter the URLs or handles for each of the social media sites that you would like to feature on your website. Hover on the info icon for more details on how to format the link and/or handle name. Note that you do not need to have links for each option. Anything that you leave blank will not display on your website.

From the Website Builder (Race >> Website V2 (Beta) >> Website Builder), search for social media links. Click to add to any one or two column section on your website.

The links will auto-populate based on what you entered in the dashboard. We make it easy for you to update or add additional links from the Website Builder at any time. Click the Settings gear to customize the display.

You can align the social media icons. In addition, you control which icons display and which stay hidden. Add more social links by going to Promotion >> Social Media >> Social Media Links. Note that you can also remove or customize the default header (Social Links).

Website Header Social Links or Social Sharing
In addition to featuring social media links across all of your website pages, you can also choose whether to show social links, social sharing, or nothing on your homepage banner. From the Website Builder, navigate to Theme Options >> Homepage Banner. Choose Social Links, Social Sharing, or None. Social links will display the icons for sites that you have added to Social Media Links. Social sharing lets attendees share your page via various social media sites and text. To customize social sharing messaging and images, navigate to Promotion >> Social Media >> Social Sharing.

RunSignup continues to add more features to Websites V2 that help promote your events and feature your brand.