Charity Partner Leaderboards

There are two new Charity Partner Leaderboards available. Races that partner with multiple charity partners can now feature a Charity Partner leaderboard on their Website V2 that features charity partners in order of amount raised.

In addition, all Charity Partner pages now display a list of Top Fundraisers. This shows by default for any charity partner with fundraisers.

To add the Charity Partner leaderboard to your Website V2, navigate to Race >> Website V2 (Beta) >> Website Builder. Click into or add a one column section. Then search for Charity Leaderboard. Click to add. You can customize the heading; alternatively, use text, CTA buttons, video, and images components to create the layout you want above and below the Charity Leaderboard. Then click Save.

These updates enhance the overall fundraising experience and engagement opportunities for events with Charity Partners. Charity Partners can help drive registrations for events while raising valuable funds. GiveSignup continues to add more features that improve the overall charity partner event experience for both events and nonprofit partners.

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