2024 RaceTrends “Instant Podcast” (and Using Information Summaries as a Race Director)

After we released the 2024 RaceTrends Report yesterday, VP of Development Bruce Kratz shared a quick and easy way to digest a summary of the information: an AI podcast!

To get this podcast, Bruce used Notebook LM’s Podcast feature to have AI read and summarize the report in the format of a podcast, with two hosts discussing the results and the implications of the data. While it’s imperfect, the the output is a fairly accurate, digestible format to get the highlights of the report.

Key things we learned from this exercise:

  • Your prompt matters! When Notebook LM was given a generic prompt, the podcast veered off topic a bit. Meanwhile, the prompt that generated the podcast below asked for it to focus on fundraising through events and less on virtual races. This still isn’t perfect – you can hear how they incorporated mention of virtual races in places that didn’t make sense. Overall, however, it was closer to accomplishing the goal, and was pretty accurate (if a bit cheesy).
  • Even imperfect, it’s a speedy way to get highlights of information in an audio format. There’s a lot to keep up with as a race director, from new product releases to safety best practices, and using tools to summarize updates for you can help you better determine what you want to spend your time and focus on. For example, when your town puts out a new event protocols manual, getting an audio summary may help you quickly identify the areas that have changed and need a deeper dive, instead of spending hours reading every word in the manual.

Check out the Instant Podcast below, and let us know what AI tools are helping you to be more effective and efficient.

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