We have added a “Nearby Races” page to Club Websites. This makes it easy for club members to find and post local races, and can become a draw for local runners to your Club Website. Here is an example of what it look like. Note the new page on the bottom of the Menu:

By default, the race list will include all races listed on RunSignup within a 50 mile radius. You can customize how this looks with various settings:

Show Nearby Races – This allows you to show this page on your Club Website or not.
Radius of Zipcode – This will show all races that use RunSignup uses for registration, or a race has listed on RunSignUp (see below on how anyone can list and races). By defauly we include races within a 50 mile radius of your Club’s zipcode.
Months Before and After – By default we include 1 month back and 12 months forward. This allows people to look up races that completed recently, but let’s them get to the near term upcoming races quickly.
Include & Exclude Specific Races – You can include or exclude specific races on your race list. You need to enter the RaceID for each. The RaceID is what will show on certain pages in the URL. For example fi you start to sign up for a race on RunSignup, the URL will look like https://runsignup.com/Race/Register/?raceId=21&eventId=59834. In this case, enter “21” as the raceID as a race to include or exclude from your list.
Option to Add Races – You can give anyone an easy way to add races by turning this on.
The other red circle on the Nearby Races page on your Club Website on the first image above is the button anyone can use to post races. The button allows anyone to list a race with minimal information and a link to that race’s website or registration page, or complete more information and create a full RunSignUp Website and optionally Registration. Here is the simple form: