New Results User Experience

We released this in a number of phases over the past month, but it is a good example of how we are committed to our User Experience Manifesto of making the best user experience for race directors and participants. The new main table is cleaner with new typography for easier reading/scanning and brings a fresh look to your race results. The search bars at the top have been cleaned up and simplified, with more use of icons and fewer words.

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The pagination options at the bottom also have a fresh design:

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Note also how moving over a row highlights it to bring easier focus. Also note that the highlighting matches your website colors.

Clicking anywhere on a row bring up a beautiful new individual result page:

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And of course mobile results look great:

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This new look highlights the profile photo of the runner, as well as the top metrics. Easy and visual links to photos and finisher certificates also make this simple for participants to get to their memories of your race quickly. And the sharing options at the bottom also enable your race to get expanded exposure.

As a race director or timer, you also have much easier editing capabilities. You see additional icons next to the search bar, such as Edit, that will bring expose an edit bar where you can customize the name of each column, decide whether to show or hide it. You can also easily drag and drop columns to reorder them – and then save it all.

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Individual results are also simple to edit or delete with the icons on the left of the name which appear only to race directors and timers. Note editing these will only effect the display of that result, and does not recalculate result places for other participants.

We are excited to continue to enhance the user experience of RunSignup!

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