RaceInsights is helping races understand where their participants are coming from. It is also helping us see an overall aggregate picture across all races that use RunSignup.
This allows us to see what is working across all races. Obviously, the most important source is a race’s own website. With 15,000 races, there is a huge “long tail” in our data that shows sources like PhiladelphiaMarathon.com, BellinRun.com, WomensRun.org, HealthyKidsRunningSeries.org, ScottCoffeeRun, etc. Sometimes those are RunSignup hosted race websites and sometimes they are separate. Races will run promotional programs directly to those race websites (like a Facebook ad, or a MailChimp email), and those sources are not tracked (unless you start to make more use of the RaceInsights Source Tracking Tool we recently released). Those make up 68% of the traffic to race registration today.
The other 32% is easily visible in RaceInsights, and the totals are:
Clearly Google, Facebook and the various RunSignup Promotion Tools are ALL important.
the key RunSignup tools are:
- Free Email Marketing system with advanced features like automated (and segmented!) emails for price increases and abandoned registrations).
- RunSignup Search – an increasing number of people come to RunSignup.com to search for races.
- RunSignup Affiliates – we have over 100 affiliate sites that list races from RunSignup. The largest is RunningintheUSA, which updates their calendar on a weekly basis in an automated fashion form our API. This means your race is getting listed automatically and for free in lots of places.
RunSignup tools account for over 10% (closer to 16% for races who take advantage of the Referral Rewards Program). This makes us proud since we are earning races a lot more than our processing fee of 6%.
RunSignup also focuses quite a bit of effort on maximizing the Google and Facebook numbers as well with powerful SEO and social sharing capabilities.
As a race director, you can benchmark your own race using RaceInsights on your race dashboard against these metrics.
We will be tracking this data in the future, so we can start to spot trends in what is working, and what races should be paying more attention to. As more customers start to take advantage of the power of RunSignup tools, and as our promotional tools get better we expect increased contribution for races from the RunSignup platform.