Email Capture Pop-Up for Races

Grow your email lists and convert anonymous website visitors to real participant and donor leads with RunSignup’s new Email Capture pop-up. Create and customize a sleek email capture form in seconds: no developer required, the pop-up works immediately on your race website, and, like all RunSignup features, it’s free.

Convert website visitors into participants and donors. 
When people find your race website through an ad, Google search, race calendar, or social media, they are taken to your website with Sign Up and Donate calls to action, asking them to buy today. However, for many of these website visitors, this could be the first time that they have heard about your event or nonprofit. Because they are not familiar with your brand, they may be unwilling to make an immediate purchase or donation.

With RunSignup’s Email Capture, website visitors can easily enter their email to learn more, and then your race or nonprofit can do additional marketing to incentivize that lead to register or donate at a later date. Your website visitors have a seamless experience where they get the content that they are looking for, and you get the conversion – you both win.

Grow your email marketing lists.
Your race website is the public face for your event, and email is how you communicate your event to people who are interested. Having the Email Capture pop-up on your race website makes it easy to get in touch with more participants and donors. 

Once someone fills out the pop-up form, their contact information is automatically brought into RunSignup’s Email Marketing as a custom list. From there, you can schedule and send targeted email campaigns and offers, or you can export the list and use in Mailchimp, Facebook ad custom audiences, Google ads, etc.

Create a compelling offer or call-to-action.
RunSignup’s Email Capture is flexible and customizable, enabling your organization to control the messaging, timing, and display of the pop-up. 

Your Email Capture pop-up gives you the opportunity to offer something valuable and relevant to your participants with messaging and a call-to-action that is specific, actionable, and human. Instead of “Join our email list,” try “Can we email you a 20% discount code?”

How to Set Up

1. Create an Email List

You must have an email list to use the Email Capture Pop-Up. The contact information that you collect will be stored in a custom email list. If you do not have any custom email lists set up in RunSignup, your Email Capture set up will look like this:

Navigate to Email Marketing >> Manage Lists. Enter a list name at the top (i.e. Email Capture List). Then click Save & Continue at the bottom of the page.

Once you have saved the list, navigate to Email Marketing >> Email Capture.

2. Create Email Capture Form

Navigate to Email Marketing >> Email Capture on your Race Dashboard. Enable the Email Capture Pop-Up Form by clicking the toggle:

This will expand the form to create your Email Capture Pop-Up. The pop-up will have default messaging, which you can customize. When you make updates, the display pop-up to the right will auto-update to show what website visitors will see.

Add a bold and clear heading for your pop-up. I’ve slightly modified the default Title to “Want to learn more?”

Next, add more details – this could be a discount offer that you want to give or more information on the types of emails that the visitor will receive when they enter their information.

Call to Action Button Text
This text will be featured on the pop-up button. Your call to action should be clear and actionable.

Email List
Select the custom email list that you created in Step 1. This is where all of the contact information will be stored.

Pop-Up Type
There are two types of pop-up styles that you can choose from.

Slide-In will show in the lower left-hand corner:

Pop-Up will appear in the center of your screen and fade the rest of your website content.

When to Display Pop-Up
This option determines when the pop-up will be shown. After 30 seconds will show the pop-up after the visitor has been on your race website’s cover page or Race Info page for 30 seconds. Before Page Abandonment will show the pop-up when the visitor moves the mouse towards the exit button of the browser. Please note that this will not work on touch devices.

How to Use Your Email Capture List

The emails that you collect will be stored in the email list that you created in Step 1. To export your contacts or view your list, go to Email Marketing >> Manage Lists.

  • Click the Edit icon under RunSignup Lists to view your Email Capture contacts.
  • Click the Export icon under Download List to export your Email Capture contacts in a CSV file (and manually upload to Mailchimp, Facebook custom audience, etc.)

You can also include you Email Capture list on any emails you send through RunSignup’s Email Marketing. Go to Email Marketing >> Send Emails and your list will show under Custom Lists.

Please note that if you send an email to your Email Capture List with a Sign Up call to action, you will want to be sure to exclude all Current Participants. That way, you will only be emailing your interested visitors who haven’t signed up yet.

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