Email is a powerful tool to inform and engage your audience, however sending emails can be time-consuming. Some messages are custom, but there are a number of emails that are the same for everyone. To help you save time and stay top-of-mind for your audience, we’ve included automated emails in Email V2.
There are a few different scenarios you can choose to automate emails for:
- Incomplete registrations
- Price increases
- Registration followup
The new email system allows customers additional flexibility in scheduling as well as customizing your emails. We include a default schedule that we have seen be most successful, as well as default content to make it easy to just flip a switch to turn them on. When you turn on a V2 Automated Email, it will turn off the corresponding V1 Automated email automatically.
Incomplete registrations
We’re all busy and sometimes someone starts registering for a race, but then something comes up and they forget to finish the process. That’s where the Incomplete Registration Email comes in. The Incomplete Registration Email goes out by default 1 hour after the person starts to register (we collect the email on the first page of registration). In addition, you can add additional email followups – for example a day later:
You can also edit the default email in the editor. One of the things you might want to do is a simple reminder on the email that goes out in 1 hour, but a second email might contain a coupon code (Note some of the easy to use components that can be added to make your email look great).
If someone started signing up, chances are they’re fairly likely to complete registration when reminded. Since automated don’t require any additional work after the initial setup, it’s a great, low-effort, way to potentially increase registrations for your event.
Price increase email
You know what motivates people? Deadlines. In fact, in 2023 we found 26% of all registrations happened three days before a price increase or registration close – just one of many interesting insights from our annual Race Trends Report. Knowing the price is going up clearly motivates people to sign up. The Price Increase Email is set for the number of days/hours before your price increases.
It is also smart enough to send two different emails – one to people who have yet registered, and one for people who already are. Again, you can set options for additional emails, timing and a set date.
Registration followup
People who are already signed up for your race are a potentially great resource to attract others to your event, or could be a great audience for upcoming events. With automated Registration Followup emails you can do things like send coupons for referrals, or let them know about other events you host during the year.
Similar to the other automated email types, there’s a default amount of time, and time of day, set for when to send (three days out at 10am in this case) but you can choose to have them go out at different intervals. You can also choose for the followup email to happen on a specific date, too.
Staying ahead of the curve
Email is a great way to engage current, and potential, participants. And Email V2’s Automated Email feature makes keeping in touch that much easier. Taking the time to make a small upfront time investment can pay big dividends. So, if you’re a RunSignup use who’s not currently using automated emails, we strongly suggest it.
And if you’re not on the platform just yet, you can create your own free event using RunSignup here.