Improved Results Views

We have made a number of nice improvements to the Results page for race websites, as well as added control of the display during race setup. The features include:

Clearer Choices for Viewers

This allows for quicker picking of which result year and set (5K or 10K), and whether they want to see a detailed view or a simple view. Viewers can also choose how many results to see on a page and have a convenient search bar that will quickly search by name, bib, gender or city.

Simplified Simple View

Based on lots of feedback, and the rise of mobile viewers, this is now our default view for results.

But, we allow for setting the default…

Setting Up Default View

On the race dashboard, under RaceDay Tools -> Results -> Set Up Results, you can define the default view – simple or detailed. You can also set up the number of results showing on each page:

The detail view can be edited on the results page itself by being logged in as a race director or timer for the race, and then editing the title, view and order of each column. Of course, timers can use their scoring software to define the columns that are uploaded and viewed.

Columns can be dragged and dropped to be in the order you want. Columns can be hidden. And you can edit the title of a column.

Combined with our recent release of RaceDay Scoring 4.0, as well as the rest of the RaceDay platform including the RaceDay CheckIn App, free TXT results, free photo bib matching and hosting, video syncing, corrals, bib management and RaceJoy we remain committed to giving timers and race directors the best tools for making their race special, engaging and memorable for their participants.

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