Store Items and Bundles added to Next Gen Membership

We added the stand alone Store to Memberships last week. Now we are releasing Store items that can be either purchased or bundled with memberships.

Store Items

You can add as many items as you like. Items can have multiple variants (size and color for example like the example above), variant pricing and quantity available.

Display Options

There are several display options. Basically combinations of showing a stand alone store and/or the items during checkout. These choices can be made on a per item basis.

It is simple to add items to the cart, so we do not ask each member what store items they want – only once per membership (you can buy multiple memberships in a single transaction (like a annual and a weekly for a visitor as an example).

Bundled Items

There is also a nice capability to bundle store items with membership levels. In this example, we bundled a water bottle with the Gold Membership. This can be used very effectively by nonprofit organizations who want to include an item with certain levels of membership to encourage larger membership levels to be chosen. Setup is simple – Step 1 is select the Membership Level(s):

Then pick the item(s) (note, items that have multiple variants are not currently allowed):

Checkout shows the items included, and still allows members to purchase additional items:

The checkout cart explains what is included for free:


Note also that the Membership Store uses the new store capability we developed in Tickets. One of the powerful features is the concept of a Warehouse, where items can be shared across ticket events and the membership product. We are hoping to bring this capability to races in 2024, so there is a common store across all events and memberships.


The Next Gen Membership product is about to come out of Beta in the next week or so. We are at functional superiority over everything in the old Club system now.

And we plan to continue to make improvements. One of the key upcoming features for the Store items is the ability to add “Data Fields” and a “Computed Price”. This will be used by Road Runners Club of America for selling insurance and music licenses, where they need to collect information like the number of participants in a race to generate a price.

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