There is a new notification that sends a daily store purchase summary to membership organization directors.

The Daily Store Purchase Summary Notification is enabled on by default for membership directors. You can update settings for the Daily Store Purchase Summary Notification by navigating to Organization >> Notifications. Disable by unchecking the Director setting, then click Save at the bottom of the page.

You can also edit content and/or add additional recipients by clicking into the notification.

This was a feature that many TicketSignup customers requested. Because ticket events and next-generation membership both share the same code for store, we were able to add this enhanced functionality for both products with a single software release. Similar to Email V2, next-generation invoicing, and Websites V2, this is another example of RunSignup’s strategy for efficient software development across all of our products while rolling out next-generation upgrades. We are continuing to add more functionality to next-generation Stores so that we can bring Store V2 to races.