November 2020 COVID Numbers Update

We began monthly updates in July after doing weekly updates that ended in Week 18, and are shifting to monthly (August and October) and Quarterly (Q3) updates. The monthly update is meant to give stats that are useful to the endurance and nonprofit communities we serve.

Quick November Numbers:

  • Transaction volume was down 38% to $17.3M
  • Overall Registrations down 42% to 411,740
  • Donations up 75% to $2.6M

We did our yearly Turkey Trot report, and the numbers are staggering:

That is a 71% drop in registrations. And while many race directors have been able to make up the difference with virtual and challenge events, this is a day that is too big to backfill. The numbers become apparent when looking at the overall transaction volume on our platform:

The other big story of November was the sudden halt to live events. We had seen a steady increase in live event registrations, but many live Turkey Trots were shut down with the growing coronavirus cases and hospitalizations:

While the overall numbers are bad, we keep feeling positive about the future because of the many great stories we hear from our customers. Here are some highlights from nonprofits, and click the image below to hear some great Thanksgiving stories:

Hybrid 2021

Of course, we all hope the new year brings widespread distribution of vaccines, and a rapid decrease in cases, hospitalizations and deaths. This will mean that it will become more and more safe to return to live events. Hybrid is the path forward in 2021. This means a mix of virtual, challenge, and live events. This allows events to schedule a live event and easily switch to virtual if there are delays in opening up, or limitations on the number of participants. Highly successful events will probably maximize their fundraising capabilities with this approach for many years to come to reach broader audience and to engage their supporters over extended periods of time.

We did a survey that confirmed this thesis.

We are hosting a Hybrid Conference for a half day on Wednesday, December 9th to help events and nonprofits prepare for the coming year.

We have created a new Hybrid information hub to help share ideas as your organization makes plans for 2021. Feel free to share success stories with us – we all need positive news during these tough times.

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