Timers can now take advantage of RunSignup’s new RaceDay Mobile Timing app as a back up for chip timed events or as an alternate timing solutions for smaller events with limited budgets or inability to have timing equipment on the course. It is an ideal solution for endurance events such as Ultra distances, track and field, cross country, running or cycling events and water events, and is an alternative option to Time Machine and WebScorer. The recorded session below provides timers with an overview of the products features and how-to instructions.
The app works in conjunction with RunSignup’s results platform for real-time results publication. In addition to the phone or tablet’s keyboard, the app can be used in conjunction with bluetooth tactile keyboards, such as Sunreed Bluetooth Numpad with LCD display, for more efficient bib entry. Check out the product announcement for specifics on its capabilities.
Download the App Today!
The RaceDay Mobile Timing app is free and available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store and can be used on phones and tablets.
Open Source
For the Technically or community inclined, note we have a public Github repo for this project that is under the Apache open source license so others can take this app further, or make code enhancements and send them back to us for incorporating into the app.
Questions? Send to info@runsignup.com or schedule some one-on-one training time.