Thanks to the 670 race directors, timers, and nonprofits who registered to join us for our 2021 Kickoff Session on the key to a successful 2021 – hybrid events. You can refer to all the videos and resources below as you start preparting for a new year!
Resources for building Hybrid events can be found at Additional help guides for Virtual Events, Virtual Challenges, and Fundraising events are also available at,, and
Session Materials
2021: The Year of Hybrid
An overview of what Bob and RunSignup | GiveSignup expects from 2021, and why a Hybrid Event is the best path for navigating the uncertainty, followed by examples showing the range of successful hybrid events.
Technology Best Practices
The nuts-and-bolts: key settings and features for managing dual options and optimizing both events. Senior Account Managers Matt Sinclair and Sean Callahan walk through the top recommendations from our team.
Race Day Essentials
The Race Day plan from Race Day Ninja Crisp McDonald. In addition to supporting timers, Crisp has been a pioneer in hybrid events, and will break down everything from start line management to virtual results – and how timers and race directors can work together for a successful event.
Fundraising Case Studies
This deep dive demonstrates all the options for fundraising events, beyond just traditional runs/walks/rides. Virtual options, socially distant options, and hybrid combinations of the two are covered.
Hybrid Examples
Check our some of the examples we discussed and get inspired to start building your own hybrid event.
Hybrid Race Examples:
- Richmond Marathon website and post-event press release
- Holly Jolly Jog website
- Webster Turkey Trot website
- Negative Split website, along with websites for Huffin’ for the Stuffin’ and Windermere Marathon…and their YouTube channel for examples of their race setups.
Fundraising Examples:
- ArtsView Children’s Theater Giving Tuesday Donation Form
- Pace Center Jacksonville Where the Heart is Donation Website
- Pink the Basin Fundraising Campaign
- ieft Virtual Fundraiser Tickets and Donation Website
- Lifeline of Ohio Virtual Fundraising Event
- Wheeler Mission Drumstick Dash Facebook Page (with virtual event video!)
- American Cancer Society’s DetermiNation Runs the Country Virtual Challenge
- Utah National Parks Virtual Challenge
Additional Resources

COVID Tracking
Want to track the virus like Bob and draw your own conclusions about a recovery timeline? These are the links he referenced.
-> COVID Tracking Project
-> Rt Live
-> Health Data Projections

Industry Status
Want to understand the type of impact the pandemic is having on the industry. This is how we’ve been tracking it.
-> November 2020 Report
-> Thanksgiving by the #’s
-> 2021 Survey Results
Keep Up with Us
Want to keep up with the latest technology and access to every industry best practice we offer?
-> Follow our Blog
-> Subscribe on YouTube
-> Sign Up for Newsletter

Promotion Tools
Promote your hybrid event with some of the tools discussed during the sessions.
-> Customize Your Website
-> Swag (Referral) Rewards
-> Custom Source Tracking

Fundraising Options
Pick the best fundraising option for your nonprofit – virtual, hybrid, or socially distant.
->Ticket Events
-> Donation Forms
-> Donation Websites

Sponsor Management
Add sponsors to your website, along with sponsor packages and the option to pay through RunSignup.
-> Sponsor Blog
-> Sponsor Webinar
-> Sponsor Ideas for Virtual

Photo Platform
Promote your hybrid event with some of the tools discussed during the sessions.
-> Photos 2.0
-> Photo Upload How-To for Participants

RaceDay Info
The first step in planning your race day should be consulting with your timer (find one here). More help:
-> Create Digital Bibs
-> Use Corral for Wave Starts
-> RaceJoy Anywhere

GoVirtual Setup
You can find all of this on the Virtual Hub, but a few notes for your virtual components.
-> Virtual Results How-To
-> Build a Virtual Challenge
-> 10 Ways to Improve Your Virtual Event